cup of wrath

Daniel 6: a Type for Christ

Daniel is a loyal servant of King Darius, but certain wicked princes conspire to get rid of him. They set a trap for him so he gets into trouble for praying to God. Darius knows Daniel is righteous but he is forced to put him into the lion's den. We begin to see in the trial of Daniel a type for Christ.

In Daniel 6, the prophet is a type for Christ because he gets punished for someone else's sin. King Darius is a type for us, because his sin leads to Daniel being sentenced to death. Darius hopes the God of Daniel will deliver him from the lion's den. He wants Daniel to live because he knows he is a loyal servant, and doesn't deserve punishment.

In Daniel 6, the prophet is sealed in the lion's den, even as Jesus was sealed in the tomb. God delivers Daniel from the power of death, by closing the lions' mouths. Daniel finally comes out of the lion's den alive. He becomes a type for Christ resurrecting out of the tomb.

When Daniel comes back, King Darius receives him with joy. Darius is like the apostles receiving Christ after the resurrection. After Daniel's trial, Darius begins to have stronger faith. He understands that the God of Israel is the true God.

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