cup of wrath

Samson is a Spiritual Type

Most of us are familiar with the story of Samson. However, few realize how there are deep messages given through his life and death. Samson is a type for Christ. The account of his betrayal and death are Messianic prophecies.

Samson was born at a time when Israel was in bondage to the Philistines. Samson delivered his people from the power of the Philistines by defeating them in battle. When the Spirit was upon Samson, they couldn't stop him. Samson delivered his people by his miraculous strength from God.

Just as Samson was a warrior in the flesh, Jesus was a warrior in the Spirit. Jesus delivered his people by breaking the bonds of the Enemy. The Spirit was in Christ and he couldn't be stopped from spoiling the Enemy's house. The Enemy could not bind or overpower Christ because he was the Son of God.

As a type for Christ, Samson is betrayed many times in his life. In one instance, Samson is betrayed by a certain harlot who tells his enemies that he is in the city. They surround the city, but Samson lifts up the gates and carries them on his shoulders. Samson carries the gates as a type for Christ carrying his cross to Golgotha.

Later Samson loves Delilah, but she gets bribed by the Philistines to betray him. She is a type for the spiritual harlot Jerusalem, that Christ loved (Luke 13.34). Delilah finally gets Samson to reveal the source of his strength, and she conspires against him. She cuts Samson's hair, which causes him to lose his Nazarene separation and become like a normal man.

Like Christ, Samson is finally betrayed and delivered up to the enemy. The Philistines poke out Samson's eyes, and use him in their stadium for sport. God then strengthens Samson one last time, and Samson knocks down the pillars of the stadium, killing himself and everyone in it.

Samson's death is a type for Christ's crucifixion. When Samson puts his hands on the two pillars, he puts himself in the same position as Christ crucified. Also like Christ, Samson does more damage to the enemy in his death than in his life. Samson's victory in death is a type for Christ's ultimate victory over the demonic powers of this age.

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